If you are on our waiting list please remember to contact our office every six months to verify your desire to remain on our wait list. Failure to do so will result in your application being dropped from our wait list.
Due to the popularity of the program the wait list for our 77 standard units is closed and we are not accepting new applications for these units at this time. The most recent opening of our standard unit wait list occurred in September 2020. Based upon historical tenant turn over rates we believe our wait list for a standard unit will remain closed through the spring of 2024. We will update this page as conditions change.
Eight of our property’s apartments are wheelchair accessible units, none of which are currently available. The wait list for wheelchair accessible units is open and we are accepting applications to be placed on the wait list from those who have a verifiable need for the features of our wheelchair accessible units. A link to the wheelchair accessible application package is below. To be eligible, an applicant must require the use of the wheelchair accessible features of the special apartment unit and meet HUD income limits (currently $77,700 for a one person household and $88,800 for a two person household).
To submit an application for a wheelchair accessible unit, please download the application and carefully follow the instructions which include mailing in your application via the United States Postal Service. If you are unable to download and print the application we will mail one to you if you send your name, mailing address and telephone number to us via text message to (206) 474-9026 or email to applications@wisteriaview.org. For more information please contact our occupancy specialist by phone at (206) 325-9810 ext #2.
Wisteria View Manor does not accept comprehensive reusable tenant screening reports made available by a consumer reporting agency. In accordance with Seattle’s First In-Time ordinance and RCW 59.18.257(1) the following is our screening criteria and process:
1) HUD project based Section 8 rental subsidies are available for all of our apartment units. We serve low income elderly households and low income individuals who require the features of our eight wheelchair accessible apartment units. In the selection of applicants for admission, eligibility criteria have been established in accordance with HUD guidelines. The following eligibility standards will be applied:
A. The head-of-household or the co-head-of-household must be 62 or older. This requirement is waived for households requiring the features of our eight wheelchair accessible units.
B. The household’s annual income must not exceed $66,750 for a single person household or $76,250 for a two person household.
C. The Head-of-Household (HOH) and co-Head-of-Household must sign an Authorization for Release of Information (HUD Forms 9887 and 9887A) and owner/agent created verification documents prior to receiving assistance and annually thereafter
D. The unit for which the household is applying must be the household’s only residence
E. Applicants must agree to pay the rent required by the program under which the applicant will receive assistance
F. Only U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens may receive assistance. Wisteria View Manor uses the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) system administered by the USCIS to obtain a non-citizen’s status to make eligibility determinations following HUD guidelines.
G. Applicants who claim eligible status must disclose Social Security Numbers for all household members and provide proof of the numbers reported
H. The household size must be appropriate for the available apartments (household size limit is 2 persons)
I. All information reported by the household is subject to verification
2) The following documents required to screen and process applications must be submitted with your complete application package, a second required step after processing of your pre-application to be placed on our waiting list. Applicants accepted onto the wait list will receive a request to complete and submit a complete application package when they approach the top of the wait list. Missing or incomplete documents will result in rejection of a household’s application except as noted in #3 below. All documents are provided in our application package and must be dated and signed.
A. A completed full application for each adult household member.
B. A signed form HUD-9887 for each adult household member.
C. A signed form HUD-9887A for each adult household member.
D. A completed form HUD-92006 for each adult household member.
E. A completed Citizenship/Non-Citizen Declaration for all household members including minors
F. A completed Non-Citizen Eligibility Verification Consent form for all household members, under the age of 62, who contend eligible non-citizen status.
G. A completed Family Summary form.
H. A completed Acknowledgement of Receipt of Documents form.
I. A completed Dual Subsidy Notice form.
3) Screening for drug abuse & other criminal history. HUD has established standards that prohibit admission of:
A. Any household in which a member was evicted in the last three years from federally assisted housing for a drug related criminal activity.
B. A household in which any member is currently engaged in illegal use of drugs or for which the owner/agent has reasonable cause to believe that a member’s illegal use or pattern of illegal use of a drug may interfere with the health, safety, and right to peaceful enjoyment of the property by other residents. “Currently engaged” will be indicated and investigated if there is a record of arrest or conviction within the last two (2) years.
C. Any household member who is subject to any state lifetime sex offender registration requirement.
D. Any household member if there is reasonable cause to believe that member’s behavior, from abuse or pattern of abuse of alcohol, may interfere with the health, safety, and right to peaceful enjoyment by other residents. The screening standards are based on behavior, not the condition of alcoholism or alcohol abuse.
4) Applicant applying for a wheelchair accessible apartment unit must currently and long term/indefinitely require the features of a wheelchair accessible apartment unit.
5) If we are unable to complete required sexual offender screening due to the applicant’s failure to provide required information or release forms, the application will be rejected.
6) If a resident or applicant has requested VAWA protections and such protections have been justified based on owner/agent investigation, the abuser/perpetrator will not be approved to live on the property.
7) We will review rental history with any landlord indicated in the past three (3) years. We may also review information provided through automated databases including eviction databases. If applicant fails to identify one or more residences where he/she lived in the last three (3) years, the applicant will be rejected. We will also review utility payment history. If the applicant has more than three late utility payments in the last year of if the applicant is unable to establish utilities in the new unit, the application will be rejected. We will contact prior landlords/property owner/agent(s) and will reject applications where negative responses are received including, but are not limited to:
A. Failure to comply with the lease
B. Failure to comply with House Rules, Pet Rules, or Assistance Animal Rules
C. Failure to fully and accurately report income, new employment or changes in household composition in a timely manner
D. Providing false information
E. Attempting to receive or receiving HUD assistance in multiple units/homes
F. Slow or no response to recertify
G. Poor rental payment history (average more than two (2) late payments per year, record of bounced checks, etc.)
H. Record of poor unit maintenance or damage to the unit beyond normal wear-and-tear
I. Presence of parasitic infestation unless the applicant agrees to have all unit contents treated before move in
J. Complaints from neighbors regarding actions that directly affect the peace and quiet comfort of others living in the community
K. Record of actions that interfered with or prevented the previous landlord from effectively managing the property
L. A current outstanding balance owed by any household member to a prior landlord unless applicant has entered in to a payment agreement and can demonstrate that payments toward the principle amount(s) have been on time for the most current six (6) months.
M. Failure to execute or pay repayment agreements
8) If any member of the applicant household has been evicted from Wisteria View Manor for lease violations, that applicant household will be rejected.
9) If any member of the applicant household has been evicted from any property for lease violations within the last three (3) years, the application will be rejected.
10) If any member of the applicant household fails to disclose they are currently receiving HUD housing assistance in another unit/home/property, the application will be rejected. Nothing prohibits a HUD housing assistance recipient from applying to this property. However, the applicant must move out of the current property and/or forfeit any voucher before HUD assistance on this property will begin.